HDB flats originally bought for $500,000 are now being sold twice the price

The rise in the number of million-dollar HDB flats made the news recently; getting featured in a Reuters article published in different countries.
Shortages due to the Covid-19 pandemic caused the demand to increase, which has in turn led to higher prices.
Intern breaks office item gets their ‘salary’ deducted; asks ‘is it okay for companies to deduct our salary?’

A poster on the NUSWhispers page got a serious reality check after whining about their pay getting docked $100 after they broke something in the company where they are doing an internship.
To make a long story short, commenters bluntly told the poster, “U broke u pay.”
CEO suffers backlash for saying 22-year-old employees should work 18 hours a day for at least 4-5 years

The founding CEO of Bombay Shaving Company recently posted online to say he believes new hires should work 18 hours a day for several years at least.
However, in this age of “quiet quitting” and work-life balance, the CEO very quickly got soundly roasted online, and it certainly was not a pretty sight. The backlash was so severe that he wrote his final LinkedIn post to express his farewell the very next day.
Karen’s Diner Singapore job auditions: TikTokers say it’s more like Ah Lian’s Diner, not Karen

While some people can’t wait to eat at Karen’s Diner, also known as the world’s rudest restaurant, which is slated to open a pop-up in Singapore next year, it seems that others can’t wait to work there.
And Singapore, after all, has no shortage of Karens, as this Singapore Incidents photo shows, inclining Badge Lady Phoon Chui Yoke and ‘Hwa Chong’ woman Catherine Beow Tan, plus various other “aunties” you and I may have come across.
Customer pissed at Tampines bakery for using just a slice of cheese for birthday cake greeting

An extremely disappointed customer took to social media to warn others about patronising Prima Deli cake shop after discovering the bakery had used a slice of cheese and not chocolate as the backdrop for a birthday greeting on a cake.
Added: The customer shared his encounter on Facebook group Complaint Singapore on Wednesday (Aug 31), noting the shop was located at 201B Tampines St 21.