Singapore — Aaron Aziz, a 44-year-old Singaporean actor, revealed in a facebook post that he needs to undergo surgery. Although he didn’t reveal what type of surgeries they were, he used the hashtags #cervicalspondylosis and #schwannoma
He recalled how he was inside the MRI for 90 minutes, and being advised to go on medical leave for two months as he’ll be needing surgery. He stated that he can’t do that now because of an ongoing project and is taking medication for the pain.
He mentioned that only Allah (God) knows the pain he’s going through now, having to work in spite of it. He also shared how he can be seen smiling and laughing here and there but his heart cries in pain, as his doctor told him that the tumour is getting bigger.

“90 minit dalam benda ni. Doctor said I need surgery and need to be on medical leave for 2month Tapi tak boleh Sebab byk ongoing project skrg for now I’m just using the drugs to kill the pain…. Working in pain… only ALLAH knows what I feel. Korang tengok Abg senyum sana ketawa sini but korang tak nampak bila hati Abg menangis kesakitan… Tumor mangkin besar kata Doc”
Mayo clinic, a website that specializes on health information described, “schwannoma is a type of nerve tumor of the nerve sheath. It’s the most common type of benign peripheral nerve tumor in adults. It can occur anywhere in your body, at any age.”
They stated that a peripheral nerve surgeon can remove the tumour through surgery if it is causing pain or growing quickly, as Mr. Aziz stated that his doctor said.
Mayo clinic described, “Cervical Spondylosis is a general term for age-related wear and tear affecting the spinal disks in your neck.” Not only that, they also described that there’s a risk if the spinal cord or nerve roots become severely compressed as a result of cervical spondylosis and that the damage can be permanent.
The pain and risk seem great, hence, Mr Aziz thanked everyone for their prayers. /TISG