South Korean actress Song Ji Hyo spoke with Yonhap News in an interview about her latest role in movie Intruder which is set to be released on June 4. Song Ji Hyo plays Yoo Jin in the movie, who went missing as a child. 25 years later, she goes back to her family as a mysterious person. Kim Moo Yeol plays her older brother Seo Jin who anticipated for his sister’s return but is wary about her.
Song Ji Hyo shared that she enjoys playing a role who takes the offensive. It is her first time playing a more assertive character after growing to be a more mature person. It was different when she was young. She added that she wanted to experiment more because she felt that the scope of her abilities had grown. Speaking to Edaily, the actress said she likes playing a character that is different from her real-life image.
She continued, adding that people cannot be happy and feel good always. The actress has her ups and downs too and experiences a variety of emotions. She focuses on emotions that she has not shown much of with her character Yoo Jin. Song Ji Hyo said that the audience may be unaccustomed with her image but it is normal to her. She likes the chance to show another part of herself.
The 38-year-old shared about turning 40 soon and that it was hard to believe that until she was 20 her parents were very overprotective and she was very sheltered. In her teens, there were a lot of rules so when in her twenties she was experimenting a lot of things. After her twenties and into her thirties, she gained a lot of experience and now she has confidence no matter what she does. Song Ji Hyo said that this is what people call experience and she is looking forward to her 40s because of that. The actress joked that it is difficult physically as her back hurt yesterday and today it was raining. /TISG