A Singaporean diver, Rinta Paul Mukkam, has been reported missing after failing to surface with her group of 15 divers during a dive around 11.40am yesterday, in the waters of Gili Lawa near Komodo Island in Indonesia.
Rinta, believed to be a 40-year-old associate regional sales manager, is said to be an experienced diver who left for her diving trip on Wednesday.
Her brother, lawyer Roy Paul Mukkam, has appealed for help on Facebook and reported that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is involved in the matter and has organised a search and rescue team to find Rinta.
Rescue efforts were called off yesterday evening due to the lack of light and has resumed this morning.
The dive operator of Rinta’s trip was Seamore Papua. She was aboard the KLM Seamore Papua vessel.
In May 2017, a yatch carrying five Singaporeans went missing in Indonesian waters for over a day. All five were found safely in a search and rescue mission by the Indonesian navy.
Hey guys, would anyone happen to have any contacts in Indonesia?
My sister went on a dive trip (at Komodo Islands, Gili Lawa Laut) and has been missing since a dive this afternoon at 12.30 pm.
MFA informed us that search and rescue has been called off for tonight and will resume at 5.00 am tomorrow. The dive operator is Seamore Papua, the vessel she was aboard was the KLM Seamore Papua and the search and rescue company involved on the ground is “Basar Nas”.
Any help, information or suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.