SINGAPORE: In a ranking of best public transport systems, Singapore has placed fourth among 60 cities, right behind Hong Kong SAR, Zurich, and Stockholm, who are first to third, in that order.

This is according to the 2022 edition of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index created by the Oliver Wyman Forum and the University of California, Berkeley, which included a Public Transit sub‑index, which ranks how well cities manage their public transit systems and how many commuters use them.


“Public transit is by far the most eco‑friendly way to enable large groups of people to move around and can help businesses attract the workers they need and keep city centers buzzing with activity,” the report reads.

The index identified four key trends by which top cities, including Singapore, were able to distinguish themselves, which are: connectivity, public transit, electrification and automation, and the Public Transit sub‑index gauges the performance of each city in terms of public transit density, efficiency, and utilization rate.


Singapore has performed very well indeed, ranking fourth both in the overall Urban Mobility Readiness Index as well as the Public Transit sub‑index. San Francisco, Stockholm and Helsinki took the top three places, respectively, for the overall index.

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For the sub-index, the global average score is 51.7 per cent, with Hong Kong SAR, Zurich, Stockholm, and Singapore all receiving above a 70 per cent score.

After the results of the report were posted on r/Singapore, local Reddit users had a lot to say.

Some wondered why Taiwan is not on the list.


Others wondered why Tokyo did not get a higher ranking.

But others disagreed and defended Singapore’s public transport system.

Nevertheless, the advantages of Singapore’s public transport systems have been touted far and wide.

“Singapore was cited for having one of the most affordable public transportation systems among the other major global cities studied. In addition to not charging fares for children, it also gives a fare discount of 15 percent for adult workers earning low wages. Along with seven more fare adjustments, over a million commuters have benefited since 2013.

The McKinsey report called the Singapore transport system best-in-class, with accessibility, efficiency, convenience, and affordability. Finally, the report cited Singapore’s public transport system as one of the most environmentally sustainable and safest in the world. It also noted that the LTA is working on implementing predictive maintenance to improve its trains’ reliability,” reads a report from last year.


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