SINGAPORE: After seeing a post online where a hawker put up a sign encouraging diners to bring their own takeaway bags, containers, and utensils, one Reddit user asked for people’s opinions on the matter.

The post from u/dlumz on r/Singapore on Tuesday (July 11) spawned a lively discussion, with many commenters weighing in.

u/dlumz wrote that he was wondering, “what are your views on it and if more hawkers should adopt such stances for takeaways.”

He helpfully translated the sign, which is written in Chinese. It says, “Everyone has a part to play in protecting the environment. Takeaway box – 30cents Plastic bag – 10 cents Disposable utensils – 10 cents.”

One popular comment was from a Reddit user who said those who bring their own containers, bags, or utensils should get discounts.

Some agreed with this, saying that it’s already done in eateries such as Toast Box, Paris Baguette, and even Starbucks.

“I would support and patronize if the hawker did a reward-based system instead. Like $0.30 off if I bring my own containers. If not it’s simply just going the way of profiteering off ‘trying to look good,” wrote a commenter.

Another wrote, “My family already brings tau pau container out to tau pau food but i think this system is brilliant. Singaporeans love the feeling of getting a discount.”

Others, however, were more cynical.

One wrote, “Want to charge just charge. Dont smoke all this sh*t about environment.”

“I think Kurzgesagt youtube said it better. “Shifting responsibility from the largest carbon emitter to the average person, you, is much easier to do than solving problems. This is just a marketing ploy, nothing more,” one opined.

And one wrote, “Forget it. If I want to tapao, I’m paying for convenience anyway.



Inflation at a new level, takeaway container charge additional 10%