Singapore — A self-proclaimed “financially independent” woman, who says she can afford her own lifestyle, wonders if her fiance would be offended if she wanted her engagement ring changed.

Though she says she fell for him “head over heels”, she adds in the same anonymous Facebook post that “the ring he gave to me is not really something that [I] like”.

In her post on the confessions page NUSWhispers, she said: “I have always dreamed and pictured in my mind what kind of ring (shape/size/cut) [I] would want and (I) am very particular about those parameters”. She even dropped hints to her boyfriend but he “didn’t really get it”.

She says  it bothered her to be looking at it every day since she did not like it. So she was asking for advice. “I am thinking of asking him if (I) can change it to something (I)  like”. She explained that since she was financially independent, cost was not an issue and that she was willing to bear any additional charges to have the ring changed.

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“Question is have any of the girls here change your engagement ring to what you like or would  (I) offend him by asking to change?” she asked.

Netizens were divided. Some suggested she talk to him nicely about the ring. Others said she should keep quiet and just keep the ring as it wasn’t her wedding ring; some called her ungrateful and unkind for wanting it changed.

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