A 14-year-old girl named Liza may have been left infertile, besides suffering severe injuries, after five bullies from her school lured her to a deserted part of town and violently assaulted her. The cruel assault occurred in the town of Mineralnye Vody in Russia’s south-western Stavropol Krai region.
According to the local press, young Liza earned the bullies’ ire after she criticised them for their indecent behaviour. Incensed, the bullies – all between the ages of 13 and 14 – planned an ambush and got a boy Liza had liked to lure her to the assault site.
Besides violently beating and stomping on Liza, the schoolchildren filmed the horrific attack. The video of the incident began trending on social media after it made its way online.
In the video, Liza can be seen in a red top being punched in the head by another girl who throws the victim to the ground, before kicking her back and head. Another bully joins the fray and jumps on Liza, stomping on Liza’s head and torso with both her feet.
The first assailant continues raining kicks on Liza’s back as she cowers on the ground, before the bully is led away by a boy. The video then shows Liza on her knees, while another cruel assailant grabs her hair and rams her own knee into Liza’s face.
Liza is left kneeling and begging for forgiveness from the bullies as per their instructions, as the video ends:
According to the local press, the violent assault took place over three hours. Liza stumbled back home and was quickly conveyed to the hospital, where she was taken to the intensive care unit in serious condition.
The young child, whose body was reportedly covered with bruises, was later diagnosed with a brain concussion, serious injuries to her internal organs, particularly to her airways and her reproductive organs.
The damage to Liza’s reproductive organs have reportedly left medical professionals concerned as to whether young Lisa will be able to bear children in the future.
Police investigations are ongoing.