A Facebook netizen voiced out her issue regarding one of the SBS transit drivers in a Facebook group called Complaint Singapore. Four days later, another Facebook netizen shared his issue with the SBS transit as well.
Fei Fei, a member of Complaint Singapore, shared the experience she had with an SBS transit driver. Last Feb 18, Friday, at the bus stop 496F Tampines, Ms Fei picked up her son together with their maid and their grandmother who uses a wheelchair. By 1 pm, Bus 29, plate number SBS 8582K rejected them and asked them to wait for the next bus which will arrive in another 13 minutes.

Ms Fei found this unacceptable since the bus still had a lot of vacant seats at the time, to which the bus driver responded, he wouldn’t be able to let them inside since a lot of students will get on the bus.
Already aggravated, Ms Fei took out her phone about to snap a photo as proof of the fiasco, but to her surprise, the bus driver let them inside just before she could snap a photo. It left Ms Fei confused with a lingering thought, “The Public transport services should give us a clear answer. Can the bus driver refuse to onboard the wheelchair person while he is onboarding other passengers or not? If yes, then y there is a wheelchair priority area in the bus?”
Other netizens expressed their disbelief and disappointment about what Ms Fei experienced. They gave out their advice and comfort as well.

Four days later, under the same group, Nicholas Xu, complained about SBS too. He stated that this happened last Feb 16 and that he only posted now, Feb 22, as he was promised that his concern would be investigated. A week passed by and SBS still giving out the ‘we needed more time’ response.
Mr Xu narrated that the driver chose to drive off and not onboard him even when he was just on the stopping range. Mr Xu said that the bus driver even waved “goodbye to me in a sarcastic manner” as described by Mr Xu.

SBS on their website answered whether a Person in a Wheelchair (PIW) cannot board a bus because of being crowded, “We appeal to the other commuters to move to the rear and make way for the PIW as far as possible. We are confident that Singaporeans are considerate and will make space to accommodate one PIW.”
It was also stated on their website that, “All our Bus Captains are required to stop for passengers to board the bus before moving off if they can see the commuters approaching the bus and the bus is still in the bus stop bay.” If you see some bus captains or drivers not complying then you may file a complaint with SBS by going to their website: https://www.sbstransit.com.sg/feedback /TISG