A netizen was asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), which would have prohibited him from sharing anything negative about his defective Samsung phone which would embarrass the company.

Samsung customer Brian Lim said that his new S7 lasted him just a week before it overheated and blacked out, never to be turned on again.


When Brian went to exchange his phone which was still under warranty he claims that he was hit with a NDA which compelled him to not make any comments that would tend to disparage, derogate, criticise, embarrass or humiliate Samsung.

“By accepting the Mobile Device, you agree not to directly or indirectly (including anonymously or by pseudonym) make, issue, release, disseminate, publish or re-publish to the media (including without limitation, Facebook, Twitter, or in any other way on the internet) or to any person or entity any statement, comment or remark that would tend to disparage, derogate, criticise, embarrass or humiliate Samsung (including, Samsung products, services, employees, agents or executives).” – Samsung’s NDA

Brian refused to sign the NDA and escalated the matter to the higher-ups. But when there was no reply from the Samsung office after almost a month, Bryan fired them on Facebook.
But come next week, Samsung still refused to respond until Bryan sent a chaser. They then tried to explain that Bryan’s was a standard agreement and that Bryan’s case was a special circumstance.
Bryan also took his story to Channel NewsAsia’s FB page: