Residents of Yishun and Woodlands have taken to Facebook to say that they have been spooked by a man knocking on their doors asking about young kids they may have. The man has been described as a Malay man in his 20s or 30s, with a sling bag around him.
The first incident happened in Yishun. Farah Ridhwan in describing the incident on 3 Nov said that a man appeared all of a sudden at her flat and in peering through the window asked if there were any ‘babies in the house’. When she replied ‘no’ and asked why he was asking, the man fled.
Farah said that she did not know what the man’s motives were but that she’s certain that he followed her and her children from the food court. He post has gone viral with over 2,000 shares.
Another similar incident happened in Woodlands. This time, the man asked about another family’s kids in the pretext of asking for water. The woman, Aida Mahat, claimed that the man pushed against her door when she tried to shut it on him.
Aida said that she has made a police report about the incident.
This is an in-house report.