SINGAPORE — Despite being one of the newest opposition parties in Singapore, Red Dot United (RDU) has been quite active in reaching out to residents and it came as no surprise when a ‘makcik’ recognised their secretary-general Ravi Philemon during their walkabout at Telok Blangah Crescent Market and Food Centre recently. During the community outreach, residents spoke to the party leaders and members about the rising cost of living in Singapore and how it has affected their family.

“Saya mengenali awak,” (I recognise you), said the Malay lady to Philemon. RDU’s secretary general posted on his Facebook that the ‘mackcik’ thanked the party for visiting her and her husband, and she claimed that she has ‘never seen’ her member of parliament around. The food centre and the area surrounding it falls under Radin Mas SMC, and the MP that is serving the constituency is Melvin Yong.

Photo: Facebook screengrab: PhilemonRavi

With Singapore raising its GST from 7% to 8% earlier this year and Ukraine-Russia having an effect on global food and oil prices. This has also resulted in a rise in the cost of daily necessities in the country, and the residents have given their feedback to RDU on how it has impacted them and their family.

“Everything has gone up: water, gas, ingredients… everything! But I dare not raise my prices by so much. Look around you. Many people here are already old. Do you think they earn that much?” said a long-time hawker to RDU, who is still maintaining his affordable price as he fears losing his loyal customers if he were to raise it.”

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Philemon and his fellow CEC member Chips Pang encountered a young family who expressed their concern about the need to provide the necessary support for their children in order for them to thrive when they grow up in Singapore.

“Tuition fees, school bus fees, pocket money… everything is increasing. It’s definitely a strain for us,” said the father.

Philemon said that they ‘promised to speak up for them (residents) and do all we can to better support them, and there is clearly an urgent need to move towards being a compassionate society.’

During this year’s budget, Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong announced that the government will enhance the Assurance Package by $3 billion to reach around $9.6 billion, and about 2.5 million Singaporeans will receive the 2023 cost-of-living special payment in June. This enhancement will ensure that the Assurance Package will continue to offset additional GST expenses for the majority of Singaporean households for at least five years, with around 10 years offset for lower-income households.

Photo: Ministry of Finance – Assurance Package in 2023