2 days of parliamentary debate on the Oxley Road saga have just wrapped up and Singaporeans are still left scratching their heads about when the Lee family feud will be resolved.

Here are the highlights of the sessions which appear to be nothing more than a show of “ownself clear ownself”

  • PM Lee delivered a ministerial statement, offering his version of events. His siblings later disputed his statement thoroughly in a 4-page document, rendering his whole speech just another page in the he-said-she-said drama.
  • He then said Lee Kuan Yew’s children are not above the law before contradicting himself that he will not take his siblings to court.
  • Despite the lifting of the party whip, PAP MPs were decidedly soft on the PM, with Janil Puthucheary going full “kiss-ass.” Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean and Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong threw words of affirmation behind PM Lee, as expected.
  • Nominated MPs called on PM to set up independent inquiry where younger Lee siblings can have a fair space to resolve the matter. They were ignored.
  • Workers’ Party MPs brought up questions about the conflicts of interest in the Attorney-General’s office and urged PM Lee to resolve the matter once and for all in court. PM Lee called them out for not accusing the Government directly and put the responsibility of providing evidence for his own siblings’ claims on the shoulders of MPs.
  • PM Lee shed tears saying he hopes to reconcile with his siblings.
  • Parliament closed after it was declared, “There is no basis to the allegations of (abuse of) power made by my siblings, Dr Lee Wei Ling and Mr Lee Hsien Yang.”

Perhaps the best part of both days of the “debate” are the following photos suggesting how exciting Parliament was this week:

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Photo: Cinorom Elicebmi FB
Photo: Cinorom Elicebmi FB
Photo: Cinorom Elicebmi FB
Photo: Cinorom Elicebmi FB
Photo: Cinorom Elicebmi FB
Photo: Cinorom Elicebmi FB
Photo: Cinorom Elicebmi FB
Photo: Cinorom Elicebmi FB
Photo: Cinorom Elicebmi FB
Photo: Cinorom Elicebmi FB