
India — Spreading ultimate hotness even behind the scenes, Bollywood actor Radhika Apta gave fans a sneak peek into her dressing room where she can be seen turning on the heat even with chappals under a sultry gown. Raising the bar of fashion goals effortlessly, Radhika looked “elegance personified” as she slew an uber hot silhouette and flaunted the comfort of Kohlapuri chappals under her sizzling gown with thigh-high slit which makes us want to rob her eclectic sartorial taste.


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Taking to her social media handle, the actor shared a black and white picture that left us guessing about the colour palatte but the monochrome could do little to dim the shine of the style queen. The picture featured the diva seated on a chair with one leg raised on the arm rest.

Flashing her million dollar smile in the backdrop of a lit mirror and boxes of makeup brushes, creams and clothes, Radhika was framed donning a floor-length silky gown that came with straps. Pulling back her mid-parted hair into a low bun to let her ensemble do the maximum talking, Radhika drew attention to the sexy thigh-high slit by flaunting her Kohlapuri footwear.

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With her face features hidden due to posing against the light, Radhika shared in the picture’s caption with tears-of-laughter emoji, “Elegance personified (photo) @kritikagill with @jrmellocastro #behindthescenes #favchappals #alwayscomfy (sic).”Since the picture related well with all the ladies out there, fans emptied their stash of love in the comments section and quick to comment, actor Vijay Varma gushed, “Grace is her second name (sic).”

The withdrawal symptoms post Covid-19 pandemic has not only made most of us ditch heels, which used to be a part of powerful fashion, for more comfortable options that chappals are but also left a majority of people with a perpetual feeling of not wanting to dress up since many spent the past corona year in PJs as we worked from home. Hence, Radhika Apte’s style statement of a pair of chappals under a glamorous gown looks more than appealing and we are rooting for the swag.