Singapore – Weddings are joyous events that celebrate the start of a life of a couple. Yet, horror wedding stories never get old nor do they cease to occur. From flower arrangement disasters to someone causing a ruckus, drama loves weddings.

Take 29-year-old property agent Rochelle Chow Shuting, for example, who got into an argument with some guests at a wedding she attended, left drunk, couldn’t find her way out of the parking area then eventually kicked a policeman.

On August 13, 2017, Chow was leaving a wedding already intoxicated. According to the court documents mentioned by Today, security personnel were called to monitor Chow because of her dispute with some wedding guests before she left.

At the third level of the car park of Parkroyal on Pickering, Chow couldn’t find her way out which triggered her anger. She stepped out of the car and started screaming. It was reported that her relatives who were accompanying her could do nothing to calm her down.

Security guard Muhammad Hairul Abdul Halim was notified, and the police were called for backup. It was stated that the distressed woman had bumped one of the cars at the parking area and that she was behaving violently.

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Chow did not cease to cry and shout even in the presence of the police.

When the police started to place her under arrest, Chow struggled and kicked officer Muhammad Taufiq Zainudin on his right thigh.

A video of the altercation was caught via a body-cam on another police officer which was shown during the court proceedings.

Chow on Apr 10 (Wed) pleaded guilty to one charge of committing riotous, disorderly or indecent behaviour in public plus another charge of voluntarily causing hurt to deter a public servant from performing his duty.

Her lawyer Josephus Tan has requested for a short custodial sentence or a fine for his client, and also submitted a report from a private psychiatrist. Chow’s mental health condition was not mentioned in court although her sentence was postponed to May 14 due to a pending report from the Institute of Mental Health.

For her first charge of riotous, disorderly or indecent behaviour in public, Chow could be fined up to S$2,000 and/or serve up to six months in jail if it is her first offence. For voluntarily causing hurt to deter a public servant from performing his duty, an offender could be jailed for up to seven years, fined, and/or caned. /TISG