SINGAPORE: While Scoot Airlines have been criticized before for canceling and delaying flights, this time, netizens sided with the company when a pregnant woman complained online about missing her flight “due to the airline changing the flight time without proper notification.”

Sharing her ordeal on r/askSingapore, she explained that while Scoot did send an email notifying her about the schedule change, she inadvertently missed it as it was buried among 15+ promotional emails.

She also argued that this oversight occurred because the notification email lacked “urgency indicators.” Additionally, when she and her companions failed to click the “I accept” button as required in the email, no follow-up emails were sent to ensure they acknowledged the change, leaving them unaware of the new flight time.

This oversight led to them missing their flight and incurring significant expenses for a new flight, hotel accommodations, and transportation, while also wasting an entire day.

“I’m 20 weeks pregnant, so this was especially stressful. Scoot’s customer service has been unhelpful, offering no compensation,” she wrote.

Despite her efforts to address the issue by emailing them, the airline responded with policy quotes instead of direct responses, effectively stonewalling her attempts to seek resolution.

“I also searched online reviews and found pretty much 1-star ratings across the board, with even stories of worse situations than mine.”

She then asked others in the online community, “Has anyone successfully escalated a complaint with Scoot? How did you do it? Is it worth pursuing further for a budget airline, or am I wasting my time?”

“Any advice or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated. I’m considering never flying with them again, but I want to make sure they understand how badly they’ve messed up.”

“Flight timings are never set in stone.”

Instead of providing support and advice, netizens urged the woman not to escalate her complaint with the airline. They pointed out that her chances in this case were low since they did email her about the schedule change.

One netizen said, “Flight timings are never set in stone; sometimes you get email/in-app notifications ahead of time, sometimes you only find out at the airport. Not sure what you are expecting – a call?”

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Another netizen emphasized that it was her mistake, writing, “You missed the email. And adding in information like “I am pregnant” honestly doesn’t help your aesthetics. Kinda sounds entitled.”

Some also pointed out that “everyone” receives promotional emails, so missing the airline’s notification shouldn’t be used as an excuse. As a solution, they suggested that she should filter these emails next time. This way, when an important email arrives, she won’t have difficulty finding or noticing it.

One netizen added, “For your budget ticket – they cannot take care of any rescheduling and change. It is not peculiar to Scoot or a problem with them, that is how it works! That is why it is cheap.

Aircraft may have maintenance issues, scheduling issues, flight may be too empty to fly, whatever it is – they can reschedule or even cancel and refund as necessary. It’s like taking a bus or train, can you demand they take care of you if you missed the bus or they changed schedules?”

Still, there were others who said that although her chances of getting a refund are slim, she should still inform them about the incident since her feedback could potentially help them change their systems.

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