A premature baby, currently in the KK Hospital’s ICU, is fighting for his life. His father, a researcher from Vietnam, is struggling to raise funds for the treatment. Let us do our bit.
By: Anay Bhalerao
On 17 November, we celebrated the World Prematurity Day: a day dedicated to raising awareness about babies that are born earlier than term. On 11 November 2016, Tue Minh was born at KK Hospital, three months premature. His parents are trying to raise funds required to keep him in the ICU, for an estimated 104 days. The estimate: a whopping quarter million!
The father, in a desperate bid to put together the money, posted a series of ads on Carousell. It was spotted by Vans, a friend of our writer Dew. The father tells us about his plight in the advertisement.
As the Carousell ad goes, Nguyen Van Thang, a researcher from Vietnam, has been working at the SUTD for the past eighteen months. His wife joined him in August this year after she received her Dependent Pass. The couple conceived, and were planning to fly back on 26 November, well ahead of the due date.
Unfortunately, the mother went into premature labour and gave birth to a son on 11 November. Born 3 months ahead of time, little Tue Minh weighed only 1040 grammes. To add to the misfortunes, the baby has no insurance cover and the family is looking everywhere for help. As the estimate quoted by the hospital goes, the family would incur anything between 223,000 SGD if no complications arise to 268,000 SGD, in case they do arise. The baby would have to be in the ICU for more than 100 days.
The option of moving the baby to Vietnam was ruled out considering the delicate state of health. Needless to say, this baby needs our help.
As a father of a newborn, I cannot help but be moved. The fear of prematurity haunts every pregnant couple, and the complications associated with the condition, not to mention the huge costs are every parent’s worst nightmare. A few people close to me delivered before time. At that time, they describe that the world collapsed around them. Now, as I see the kids all grown up, I can safely say that little Tue Minh has hope. Though, as I said before, he needs our help.
What can we do as conscientious residents of a great nation
It is not Tue’s fault that he was born prematurely. It is his great fortune, though, that he was born in a country where he will get the best healthcare that he can get. 1 in 10 babies born in the world are preemies. At KK Hospital, this rate is 13.5% according to this report. A number of causes are associated with it, though the exact cause remains obscure. Here are the facts in front of us today:
- Tue Minh is in the ICU
- His family is trying to put together the money for his treatment.
When I first heard the news, I thought it could be a scam. So I contacted the father and asked for details. He readily gave me everything I needed. All his contact information, as well as bank details, are out in open. His facebook page is filled with people giving him encouragement while trying their best to raise funds for the treatment.
So here is something that you can do
This is the Carousell advertisement where he tells his story. His contact coordinates are all available there. Whatsapp him, call him, meet him. Try to see if the person is genuinely in need or not. When you are sure, you can donate whatever you wish to here.
Last I checked, he had raised about $40,000 through a campaign on gogetfunding.com, about 16% of his goal of $250,000. This is an update posted by him on 17 November.
Firstly, we are thankful to all contributors and donators for praying and supporting our son during two days. Im happy to report that baby gained 1020gram after losing to 1000gram. He is still unstable because blood pressure is sometime low, lung is still developing. However, doctors say to not worry about that, they will continue taking care of baby as good as possible.
Regarding to financial support, we received around 45K SGD including gogetfunding website, vietcombank account, and DBS account. We will update detail in facebook. Once, thank for all your support both spirit and money.
Anay Bhalerao
A doctor who has recently taken to writing, Anay is a photography enthusiast, an aspiring cook and a connoisseur of hand-drip coffee, Excel sheets, and Sambhar.
This article was first published in theAsianparent. Republished with permission.