Teen blogger Amos Yee was allegedly assaulted in Jurong Point recently. According to the Youtube video which had since surfaced, besides a Caucasian man who tried to intervene to beak up the ‘aggressors’, no one else lifted a finger.
[fvplayer src=”http://youtube.com/watch?v=2V33-pzsMy4″]
A member of the public, Mr Brendon Chong, has now lodged a police report against the ‘attackers’ of Amos. In explaining why he did it Mr Chong said that he made the report because the police did not respond about the incident even after the videos of his ‘assault’ went viral.
“I hope this case is promptly investigated, not only for Amos Yee’s own personal safety, but also for the safety and well-being of the general public as the incident happened in a crowded shopping centre,” he added.
Mr Chong said that if the police does not properly address the matter, many more people could possibly feel emboldened to take the law into their own hands.
This publication has seen a copy of the police report that has been lodged.