Facebook user Boo Richard has alleged that two Housing Development Board officers “abused their authority” as he caught them behaving suspiciously outside his flat, even peeping into his home via the corridors windows, at night.
Sharing surveillance camera footage capturing the intruders’ movements outside his flat on 16 Oct around 8.47pm, Richard said on social media today that he has reported the matter to the police.
In the video, a man and a woman can be seen walking up to a HDB unit, loitering about and peering into a unit. The woman even uses her cell phone flashlight to get a better look inside the unit:
Richard recounted online: “On the 16th Oct 2018, these two persons behaved suspiciously outside my premises. It was established later that the lady was Senior Estate Manager Thong Siew Peng.
“Instead of identifying themselves first, the man was standing aside keeping as a look-out while the woman peeped through both my windows repeatedly and even used her flashlight from her mobile to scan through my windows when she saw someone in the room.
“Her conduct was totally unacceptable as it was a form of privacy intrusion. A Police report was made against them subsequently.”
According to Richard, HDB Senior Estate Manager Thong Siew Peng subsequently told Richard that she was following up on a 2014 letter, when Richard wrote to HDB about the odd visit.
Richard indicated that the officer’s reasons did not seem believable to him and added that he thinks the officer lied to him by identifying the man accompanying her as a HDB colleague named David Ong:
“When i emailed HDB to ascertain the record of the visit, she lied to me that she was trying to follow up a letter dated in 2014 instead!
“Obviously, she was lying to use this outdated document as a pretext to conduct an internal inspection as she has a hidden agenda.
“She lied further by confirming the man accompanied her was actually another HDB officer by the name of David Ang. I had seen David Ang before and I am sure it was a different person.
“She definitely abused her authority and was deceitful. In view of her unethical conduct, a complaint was made against her to the HDB.”
Richard asked: “Will you condemn the HDB’s staff if they do the same to you? Do you think they had abuse of authority and betrayed our trust? Do you realised how absurd was their response to follow a matter 4 years ago? What would you do if HDB deprived you a peaceful living environment?”
Richard added that he believes that the officers approached his unit because of a longstanding series of disputes with his neighbour. He said:
“Over the years, my neighbour had called Town Council, HDB, Police and even NEA to make frivolous complaints. These people were acting on behalf of him whom have connection with the authorities.
“These officials will act swiftly upon his frivolous complaints and abused their authorities to persecute me.
“We need to stand up against this neighbour who is just a commoner with zero credentials, jobless yet held directorships of many now-defuncted companies previously.”
Read his post in full here.