Mr Lee Hsien Yang who has been releasing information in a piecemeal-way since last week, has once again divulged an email correspondence of his father’s to suggest that Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong misled his own father.

Mr Lee later clarified that the screenshot of the email he posted was a correspondence of his father’s in reply to Ho Ching’s request for a site survey.

“Lee Kuan Yew said yes to the site survey, but questioned why it was being done,” he said.

“LHL (Lee Hsien Loong) had intimated to Lee Kuan Yew that LHL, as PM, would gazette the house,” he added.

This is the second time Mr Lee is raising this topic. In the first joint statement he released with his sister, he said:

“Lee Kuan Yew believed that Hsien Loong and Ho Ching were behind what was represented to the family as a government initiative to preserve the house. In due course, Hsien Loong himself made his position clear to Lee Kuan Yew. On 3 October 2011, Lee Kuan Yew wrote: “Loong as PM has indicated that he will declare it a heritage site.””

Yesterday Mr Lee refuted the claims of Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean, head of the Ministerial Committee which is studying the Government’s options with regards to Lee Kuan Yew’s house. Mr Teo had earlier claimed that he had shared some of the options for the property with both Mr Lee and his sister, Dr Lee Wei Ling.

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Mr Lee said both his sister and he have had no interaction with DPM Teo Chee Hean in his capacity as Chair of the Committee since the Committee was formed.

“We had met with DPM Teo on numerous occasions apart from and well before the formation of the committee (and) during those discussions we had explored a wide range of options as well as concerns we had regarding Lee Hsien Loong and his family,” Mr Lee said.

Adding: “DPM was always careful to preface his remarks that any views he expressed were personal views.”

Veteran journalist PN Balji writing for CNN suggested that Dr and Mr Lee may be “still holding some cards close to their chest to be revealed later in order to keep the pot boiling.”

According to PM Lee, Dr and Mr Lee had previously threatened to escalate their attacks against him to coincide with the September 2015 General Election.