Singapore – A photo of a taxi “surrounded” by at least 16 Traffic Police (TP) officers on motorcycles is circulating online, spurring numerous comments regarding the perfectly-timed image.

On Thursday (Nov 5), Facebook user Zai Lani shared a post in Complaint Singapore’s page with the caption: “Just wondering what that taxi driver is feeling right now…” The post included a photo of a blue taxi in the far right lane with at least 16 TP officers on motorcycles moving with the vehicle.

The photo has garnered more than 1,200 likes and has been shared in various social media sites like Members of the online community were impressed by the photo, noting such scenes were not usually captured on camera.

Many wondered how they would feel in a similar situation. “If I am the driver, I will feel proud and important because got so many escorts paving the way for me and protecting me,” said Facebook user Ricky Chin.

“If it were me, I would immediately pick up my handphone and take a video or photo of them all,” said another person.

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Facebook user Ailah Mengurut commented that it was a “once in a lifetime heart-throbbing experience” to be surrounded with that many TP officers.

Others joked that the number of officers should make the taxi driver feel extra safe and protected on the road.

Others noted that not even the President or the Prime Minister had an escort that size.

Meanwhile, Facebook user Zacky Mahmood mentioned it was normal to see a big group of TP officers along that particular stretch of Canberra Road-Sembawang Road near the Montreal and Admiralty Road West junctions.

While the taxi driver was not really being escorted by the TP officers, the photo did pave the way for a humorous exchange among members of the online community.

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