Netizens are reacting to the yet-again new set of safe management measures against Covid-19 that are to be implemented in Singapore starting March 29. While some are lamenting the return to the office, others have questions such as what exactly is considered “indoor” or “outdoor.”

An online user recently took to an online news forum to share an infographic of the new rules that have been put in place to combat the spread of Covid-19 as the world makes the shift to a new “normal.”

The change will allow groups to reach a maximum of ten people, whereas previously, the maximum was five. It will also make mask-wearing optional outdoors. Workplaces will be allowed to have a maximum of 75% of their workforce come to the physical office. Large events of more than 1,000 participants will also be allowed to cater to a maximum of 75%.

The rules that will remain unchanged are the mandatory donning of masks indoors as well as the one-metre safe distance between groups.

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While fans of the work from home set-up are lamenting the return to office work, introverts are not so excited that gatherings with safety measures in place are now being permitted. “Oh no, return to office,” wrote one user. Another said, “More relatives to deal with for Hari Raya. Oh God…I’m hyperventilating already.”

Others called for clarifications, stating that labelling certain venues “indoor” or “outdoor” isn’t always a black-and-white task. One particular netizen asked, “MRT station is indoor or outdoor?” Another asked for clarification on what the rules would be at KTVs. Still, another wrote, “(Are) open air hawker centres considered outdoors or indoors?”

The trending topic of the effectiveness of safe distancing enforcement officers was also given a seat at the table, with a netizen mentioning, “SDA’s will have a good time with their measuring tapes.”

Photo: screengrab from Reddit / @r/singapore
Photo: screengrab from Reddit / @r/singapore
Photo: screengrab from Reddit / @r/singapore
Photo: screengrab from Reddit / @r/singapore
Photo: screengrab from Reddit / @r/singapore
Photo: screengrab from Reddit / @r/singapore
Photo: screengrab from Reddit / @r/singapore
Photo: screengrab from Reddit / @r/singapore
Photo: screengrab from Reddit / @r/singapore
Photo: screengrab from Reddit / @r/singapore