Recently released documents have revealed that a National University of Singapore (NUS) undergraduate who filmed children in a toilet on multiple occasions was given a 24-month conditional warning, in lieu of prosecution by the police.

The documents list offences and the outcomes of cases heard by NUS’ disciplinary board between 2015 and 2018. NUS Students United, an independent group of students, retrieved the documents from the NUS’ student portal and published the documents online.

The documents show that NUS’ Board of Discipline heard at least 26 cases of sexual misconduct between 2015 and 2018, including cases where students were filmed in the shower, cases of upskirt videos and cases where female victims were molested.

One case listed in the documents shows that a sexual voyeur “entered a children’s toilet and filmed children in the adjacent cubicle on multiple occasions” between 2015 and 2016. The culprit was fined S$1,000, suspended for two semesters, given an official reprimand and ordered to undergo mandatory counselling and psychological assessment.

It was revealed that the Singapore Police Force issued a 24-month conditional warning in lieu of prosecution to the perpetrator.

The documents released by NUS Students United also shows that only one student out of 26 perpetrators was expelled in the last three years for outrage of modesty.

The student who was expelled was only expelled after a second incident. In the first incident, he was caught trespassing in the female toilet and peeping at a female student who was showering.

The sexual voyeur was barred from campus housing for the rest of the term and ordered to complete 30 hours of community-based work. He was not suspended from classes, fined or barred from campus premises.

The perpetrator later outraged the modesty of a female student in a second incident. NUS immediately expelled the student but he was later allowed to return to the school after an 18-month suspension where he was not allowed to graduate, after he appealed the decision and cited a “psychiatric disorder”. -/TISG