Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong shared a picture of lovebirds and some netizens are concerned that they may be culled.

Mr Lee had earlier shared the picture of a neighbour’s rooster which he said has a habit of getting into his backyard. He said that he managed to pair the rooster with a hen and now they both spend even more time at his place ‘paktor-ing’ (dating). Mr Lee used the picture to wish his readers ‘Happy Valentine’s Day’.

Some netizens are however worried that the birds may be culled by AVA to mitigate the risk of bird flu. They were referring to the culling of the Thomson View chickens.

The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority’s (AVA) chief came out yesterday to better explain the reasons for the arbitrary decision for killing the birds. Director General of AVA, Yap Kim Hoo, claimed that the birds were killed not because of the noise they generated, but to mitigate the risks of bird flu spreading. His explanation came amidst weeks of backlash from the public.

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It remains to be seen if the chickens which roam the Prime Minister’s backyards will be treated any differently from the chickens in the Thomson/Sin Ming area. But one thing’s for sure, the PM (or his neighbour) may have a few free eggs till then.

Seems that Mr Lee’s wife, Ho Ching, is also a big fan of these free roaming birds.