
Responding to an earlier anonymous confession on popular Facebook page SGWhispers, another netizen asked if men were born to provide for women.

In the initial post, the man said he was looking for a life partner who could take care of herself as he was “content to just make enough for” himself.

He confessed that he was not career-driven or ambitious. He was happy with making just enough to sustain himself, as he was “tired of this rat race and I want to focus on enjoying things I like in life”. The man added that he also preferred if his life partner was a woman who could also take care of herself instead of relying on him so that they could just enjoy each other’s company.

“Honestly, I don’t want to have kids. If I have the money I would much rather use it on myself than kids – there are many things I haven’t done or experienced myself”, the man wrote.

Responding to his post, another netizen wrote: “To the guy who has no ambition. I don’t blame you for thinking like this. Your upbringing plus your family background probably led you to think it’s easier to give up on life and be on your own. I have many friends who are also like you, myself included. They took the easy way out and chose to stay single for life. But is it truly the easy way?”

The netizen added that the man who wrote the initial post was not career driven or ambitious because he likely did not have the means or ability to do better than his peers in terms of career advancement and income. “Let’s be frank here. If you’re earning 15k, 20k a month, you won’t be whining here”, he wrote.

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The man continued: “Beneath your fake confidence and nonchalant persona, your low self esteem is showing. Only someone who thinks they have nothing to look forward to will have no drive or goals in life”.

Unlike the man who wrote the first post, the man who penned the second added that women are not hard to understand. They want someone who is willing to work together with them for a better future together.

“You cannot expect a woman to give you her time, body, mind and money while you act like a manchild preaching about them being a feminist. Do you even know what you’re talking about?” he wrote.

He added that a man who loves a woman will provide for her.

In his post, the man called out the first author for giving advice to men on how to be dishonest and disguise their man-child mentality in order to trick a woman into starting a relationship with them.

“I’m not married but at the very least I’m honest about my intentions when I’m dating women. When I just want a fling or romantic trip with no strings attached, I am upfront”, he wrote, adding that he could not have companionship without putting in the work.

Man says he wants a life partner who can care for herself as he’s content in making just enough for himself, calls himself a feminist