
A man took to social media, saying he was looking for a life partner who could take care of herself as he was “content to just make enough for” himself.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, the man wrote that he was not career-driven or ambitious. He was happy with making just enough to sustain himself as he was “tired of this rat race and I want to focus on enjoying things I like in life”. The man added that he also preferred if his life partner was a woman who could also take care of herself instead of relying on him so that they could just enjoy each other’s company.

“Honestly, I don’t want to have kids. If I have the money I would much rather use it on myself than kids – there are many things I haven’t done or experienced myself”, the man wrote.

He added that when he was honest about his preference during dates, the women he met were not too keen on going out with him after that. “Somehow they equate my lack of willingness to take care of them (especially as they’re completely able to do so themselves) as being irresponsible or selfish. Instead, I think I am more of a feminist than anyone as I firmly believe that women in Singapore are more than able to take care of themselves”, the man wrote.

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However, he added that instead of being honest, “because women are so into romance and K-drama, I do promise the world”.

He added in his post that many women are extremely capable of taking care of themselves and of others. He advised other men to not be too honest and wrote that he found nothing wrong in this. “Being too honest is like going for dates without make up or dressing up. It’s not a good start and certainly will not end well!” he wrote.

Netizens who commented on the post told the man off, as they said he seemed to be going on dates just to enjoy the benefits. They advised him to stay single instead of finding someone.

Here’s what they wrote: