SINGAPORE: A man took to social media to express his confusion about his girlfriend’s abrupt change in behaviour.

“I am really clueless as to what I should do and we are at the stage that I should be proposing soon, and I need advice as to why she is she behaving this way. I have been together with my girlfriend (27F) for more than 4 years, and we are waiting for our BTO flat in 1.5 years time. Recently, she has become easily irritated and extremely argumentative,” the man wrote on the NUSWhispers Facebook page.

The man also shared examples of his girlfriend’s outbursts in the post.

“For example, she told me something in case I knew about it. Then I replied that I didn’t know about it. She snapped at me, saying she didn’t ask me, and she used the words “in case” and I should reply this way. I’m really clueless what she meant. I said that’s normal the way I replied,” the man said.

“Another example would be when she told me that she changed a post over text. So I replied to her, saying, “Ya lor u changed your post”. She got angry at me, saying I should not repeat what she said, and I am really weird for replying this way. I’m really clueless as to what exactly I did wrong.”

According to the man, his girlfriend gets irritated with him every other week over a response or something he says to her. 

Whenever he would ask her what was wrong, she would reply, “Are you saying I’m not normal for scolding you?”

In addition, he suspected that his girlfriend had a mental health disorder because of how meticulous she was about cleanliness and because two of her family members were taking medication for mental health issues. 

“Do you love her enough to help her overcome her mental illness? If not, then leave”

In the comments section, one individual asked him, “How much do you love her? Do you love her enough to help her overcome her mental illness? If not, then leave. There is no shame in leaving a toxic relationship.

See also  Conversations around mental health remain stifled despite more awareness, options

But if you love her enough, then talk to her about her erratic behavior. Tell her to be honest with herself. Her behavior is changing, she knows it, you know it. Tell her not to brush it off, and let her know you will be there with her.”

While another commented, “You need to sit down and talk to her about these, ba.. We [are] also not her. Worst case scenario: Surrender flat and break up loh.”

Others explained to the man that if these changes were fairly recent, that could only mean something happened to his girlfriend. They also suggested getting to the root of the problem and finding out what caused this change.

One individual added, “Stop focusing on what happened to you, and find what is happening with her. You can give her a hug. Ask her what’s up, and really listen. Because if you love someone, their stuff matters more, right?”

“She is trying to break up with you without taking action herself”

Some have suggested that her behaviour may indicate that she is attempting to end the relationship.

One individual said, “She is trying to break up with you without taking action herself.”

Another commented, “She’s playing the crazy card. Maybe, la hor, just maybe, she’s not interested in you anymore, but rather than her telling you, she wants you to be the one calling the relationship off.”

In similar news, an NUS alumnus shared on social media that he has been reconsidering his relationship with his partner after noticing some “really strange habits and thoughts.”

Read more: Girlfriend doesn’t bathe for several days; boyfriend asks if he should be “accepting and not judge”