Singapore—What one mother called her ‘worst nightmare’ occurred when a sizable piece of concrete fell on her young son while he was playing in the bathroom. When she posted about it on social media, netizens told her that the same thing had happened to them.

After a mum who goes by Syasha DanialAlissa on Facebook posted photos of the missing chunk from her bathroom ceiling and her son’s bloody back, her post went viral, getting shared almost 4,000 times in less than 24 hours.

According to the comments, the family lives on Henderson Road.

The mother’s caption was very short, but the pictures spoke volumes. “The worst nightmare for me and esp my son. Happily playing with water end up, this. Concrete ceiling drop on his back,” she wrote.

Thankfully, the child did not seem to get badly hurt. “Alhamdullilah. He is ok now,” she said to someone who had commented on her post asking how the boy was.

Many comments urged her to bring her son to the hospital to get medical attention right away.

Shortly after her original post, she posted again to say that the police, as well as an ambulance, had arrived “to check on the situation. Also HDB and Town Council. My son has been sent to the hosp for further check. Done Xray and Dressing on his back. Luckily all is fine and no stitches needed.”

Later she put up another post, showing her son, who looked to be no older than 7, getting his wounds treated in hospital. In her caption, the mother thanked everyone who had expressed concern for his well being. “Updates on my Boy. He is doing fine now. All active. Not even 24 hrs he already asked me to remove the patch. Ill observe him still over the night. Thanks all for the concern ?

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Syasha was urged to report the incident right away.

The mother also wrote in another comment that she had already called HDB.

Others even tagged HDB.

She was also urged to report the incident to the town council.

One netizen urged her to identify the housing estate where she lives so that the other residents in the area can check on their own flats.

Several others pointed out that this is a common problem with old HDB buildings.

Other wrote that the problem may have been due to water seeping into the concrete.

And netizens chimed in to say that similar incidents had also happened to them.

Apparently it is not an uncommon problem and is known as spalling concrete. The HDB website even has a page on it.



Read also: Ceiling collapses over toilet in HDB flat, netizens ask if it’s a fake story

Ceiling collapses over toilet in HDB flat, netizens ask if it’s a fake story