“SG Vehicle Ownership transfer in progress. Soon this car will belong to the plants” — Netizens wonder where’s the owner

SINGAPORE — After an online user shared a photo of a car that seemed to be abandoned in a parking slot, a handful of Singaporeans took to the comments section offering possible explanations for why the vehicle’s owner had left the car there for so long.
A red car left in a parking slot with weeds growing around its tires caught the attention of online users after a netizen shared a photo of the vehicle on Wednesday (Dec 28). “Singapore Vehicle Ownership transfer in progress, the caption read. “Soon, this car will belong to the plants.”
Man says he has fallen head over heels for a prostitute, his friends tell him he would “be a laughing stock”

A man who wanted to make a prostitute his girlfriend took to social media asking others for advice if they would do the same.
In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, the man wrote: “Wanted to check with the guys. Would you guys consider getting together with a girl who is in the flesh trade?”
Woman stuck in Clementi home toilet for 4 days, SPF officers’ instinct & experience shine in rescue mission

Thanks to the instincts and experience of two Singapore Police Force (SPF) officers, a woman trapped in her home toilet was rescued. “I remember the tears of relief she had when she thanked us for rescuing her,” said Senior Staff Sergeant Ibnu Musalli on the rescue, which was shared on SPF’s Instagram account on Thursday (Dec 29).
“I could only imagine the sense of relief she felt when her knocks for help were finally heard,” added Sergeant Miqdad Fisall, the second officer on the scene. The two officers received a call for assistance on Nov 27 after a woman was reported missing.
Employer asks how to tell her maid she has body odour: “Can I buy her deodorant and/or let her know to shower twice a day?”

An employer who was unsure about how to approach the topic of personal hygiene with her domestic helper took to social media to ask others for advice.
In an anonymous post to Facebook page FDW in Singapore (working conditions forum), the employer wrote: “It’s my first time hiring a helper and I’m not really sure how to approach certain topics. My helper has been with us for a week now and she’s very hardworking and eager to learn, pretty awesome!”
Ayden Sng shares why Singapore men are dubbed as ‘prawns’ by foreigners

SINGAPORE — Ayden Sng, 29, a Singaporean actor, introduced the term ‘prawn capital’ as a reference of foreigners towards Singaporean men. Appearing on Sonia Chew’s podcast, Men, Explain, the actor explained the meaning behind the nickname given by outsiders.
Ayden expressed that Singaporean men are known to other nationalities as “meaty and muscular” with fit bodies by working out at the gym. However, they “don’t look good and are not very presentable”. Basically, Singaporean men have nice bodies, but their faces do not go along with them – which resembles a prawn wherein people enjoy the body or meat of it but throw away the head.