Woman with S$364 debt fakes her own death, poses as corpse on Facebook to avoid paying sum

A Facebook post highlighting a woman going to extremes to avoid paying her debt has gone viral. The woman’s creditor, named Maya Gunawan on the social media platform, shared her experience on Dec 13, noting she had met Liza Dewi Pramita through an online group.
Ms Gunawan decided to loan Ms Liza a sum of roughly S$364, despite never meeting her in person. She did make a background check by asking Ms Liza’s friends, all of whom had nothing ill to say about the woman. The due date for the loan was Nov 20, 2022. However, Ms Liza said she could not return the cash and asked for an extension until Dec 6, 2022. The promised date came and went, and Ms Liza still couldn’t pay.
Woman asks why Chinese weddings have become ‘for profit’ instead of ‘love, fun & good food (like Malay weddings?)’

A woman planning to have a wedding banquet next year was shocked after all the advice she got from couples who just got married was centred around money.
On r/askSingapore, Tuesday (Dec 20), Reddit user neonpatronus asked, “When did Chinese weddings become such a s**t show? Shouldn’t weddings be about love and fun and good food (like Malay weddings?) Why has it become a P & L (profit and loss statement)?”
Our Inner Child on Christmas — The Benefit of Cute Cards

It was going to be Christmas day in an hour’s time, and I’d been thinking of something meaningful to say, and I decided to touch on a tradition I started around two years back of buying Christmas cards from a colleague of mine who likes to hand paint them.
My former colleague has a particular talent, or at least she has a particular effect on me. She is a 36-year-old woman who has the ability to make her inner child come through. It was just something about her that made you forget that she was a grown woman. Couldn’t get angry with her because it would be like getting angry with a wobbly child that needed a hug.
Grab driver charges S$20 fee to return passenger’s belongings despite driving away with items still in the boot

SINGAPORE — A Grab passenger had her valuable belongings left in the vehicle’s boot after the driver allegedly drove off as soon as she alighted and was asked to pay a fee for returning her items.
“Grab driver accidentally drove away with passenger’s equipment worth S$1,000 in the boot before she could go behind and take them down from the car,” wrote Facebook page Beh Chia Lor – Singapore Road in a post on Saturday (Dec 24).
Letter to the Editor | Boy who threw cat off HDB building needs counselling from psychiatrist

Dear Editor,
I read with deep sadness to The Independent Singapore’s report, “Nearly 35,000 sign petition seeking justice for cat thrown from 22nd floor of Boon Lay Ave HDB block” (Dec 18).
I feel a sense of double sadness for the death of a community cat, recently “murdered” by a 10-year-old boy in Boon Lay Avenue. This incident was not merely a loss of an adorable and pitiful animal’s life, but it also warrants our worries and concerns about the boy’s unusual and wicked behaviour.