MOH: NUH did not contribute to the miscarriage of woman who allegedly lost her baby after being left unattended for two hours

The Ministry of Health (MOH) released its review findings into the case of a patient who allegedly suffered a miscarriage after waiting for two hours at the National University Hospital (NUH) on Mar 15, 2022.
The woman claimed she experienced a miscarriage after waiting two hours at NUH’s Emergency Department (ED) and was not attended to.
S’pore Café @ Orchard Central savage comebacks/responses to customer negative feedback & 1-star reviews

Grain Alley, a café at Orchard Central, appears to have missed the memo on business ethics and has gone viral for its comebacks to negative reviews.
The café has received multiple complaints about its “no laptop, no tablet policy”, which customers deemed a “turn off”, especially for a “half-filled café”.
‘Crazy lady starts videoing me for no reason… doing the same to other people’ at MRT

A woman posted a video on social media alleging that another woman began to follow her around, taking a video of her, as she was walking to the MRT one day.
The video was shared on the Singapore Incidents Facebook and Instagram pages on Thursday (Apr 28), where it’s been viewed almost 100,000 times.
Accident in Woodlands: Rider dozed off? Netizen says, “The driver has fantastic reflex and quick thinking else another blue tent”

Alarming footage of a motorcyclist colliding with a moving vehicle and falling to the ground, his head inches away from the car wheel, is circulating online, causing speculation among netizens that the rider dozed off.
Facebook page Singapore roads posted a video of the incident along Woodlands Ave 12 on Apr 26 at around 6 pm. As the cam car recorded the happenings on the road, a motorcyclist came into view. The motorcycle’s signal lights were blinking, indicating an intent to turn or move left.
DJ SODA gets kicked off flight for wearing “F**KIN’ F**K YOU” worded sweatpants, but netizens are less than sympathetic towards the South Korean Deejay

Amid her current US tour, South Korean DJ Hwang So-hee, who is popularly known as DJ Soda, said in Instagram and Twitter posts that she was kicked off an American Airlines flight because of her pants.
She was only allowed to board again after she turned her pants inside out but claims that she was made to change in front of the flight crew, although she said she offered to change in the bathroom.