It has been a busy year for Lin-Manuel Miranda. He acted in His Dark Materials on HBO and he is writing music for the live-action Little Mermaid movie. His musical In The Heights  trailer has been released and he has now shared that he also worked on Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

The latest Star Wars movie is in the theatres and Miranda’s name has been spotted in the credits by some viewers. Twitter users have asked him about his role in the film and he has confirmed he worked on it.

Miranda wrote music for J.J. Abrams’ previous Star Wars movie, The Force Awakens, in 2015 for a cantina scene. In Episode IV: A New Hope the Mos Eisley cantina set the scene for all the various creatures Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) would encounter in a galaxy far, far away.

Miranda tweeted in 2015 that he worked on it between 6 pm and 7.30 on two show days for two months.

It has been rumoured that Miranda would appear in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Hidden cameos like Daniel Craig and Princes William and Harry playing Storm Troopers led many to suspect Miranda may have such hidden cameo too.

Miranda shared that he is behind the scenes, writing music again. It is, however, not cantina music. He added that he himself had not seen the film and that he couldn’t wait to see it at the weekend.

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Miranda tweeted: “NOW IT CAN BE TOLD??” He added that he and J.J. Abrams wrote music for a planet in The Rise of Skywalker. He said it has a nice beat that people can dance to it and that he cannot wait to see it this weekend.

Except for Rogue One and Solo, John Williams still composed the score for this film as he has for all previous live-action films. His sound is recognisable. The new music sounds like Williams. Classic Star Wars themes appear in it, like the Empire theme, the opening crawl and the end titles.

If you are wondering where Miranda’s music might be, one strong contender is a sequence called The Festival of Ancestors. Rey, Finn and Poe visit a massive street festival on one planet and there are so many intergalactic cultures in the scene that perhaps Miranda provided some of his musical background for some of those new sounds.

Now that the film is in the theatres, perhaps Miranda will reveal which scene features his music.