Man says guys put in more effort in relationships because when he asked his girlfriend to dress differently for him, she declined and said he was objectifying women

SINGAPORE: A man took to social media with a rather lengthy post asking what he could expect from a girl in a relationship. He prefaced his post by saying, “I am going to generalize a little here based on my friends, what I read and my own personal experience so don’t get offended”.

He said that while he was all for female empowerment and for everything to be 50-50, things did not feel that way. “In general, in the courting stage, personally I feel that guys have to do more work – pay for first date, try to impress the girl, plan for the dates, must tolerate the girls bs (some girls literally put that on their dating profile), have to be more successful in career (yeah, even successful girls seem to want someone who is equally or more successful than them), still do the protecting, etc. Girls don’t need to plan for dates, just come to the date and expect the guy to carry the conversation (not all girls like that but a lot of them are), expect guy to be humorous (when they are not humorous themselves)”, he wrote.

He said that even in a relationship, guys still did more work than the women where they planned and spent money. The man then went on to talk about his own relationship where he said he had to put in a lot of effort to maintain it, where a lot of the effort went unseen.

“I understand that it isn’t going to be even but I don’t feel like my partner is putting much at all. One day, I asked my gf if she can try a more sexier style for me and she said no. I asked maybe just wear for dates (not change your style everyday) and she downright said no and said that I was objectifying woman,” he wrote. He asked her if she could plan some dates as he was busy with work but said that the dates seemed like they were planned with minimal effort and weren’t thoughtful. Additionally, “After a few months, she was complaining to her friends that she didn’t feel like a priority to me, so I started to plan again while juggling my stressful work”, he wrote.

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“I have made so much more sacrifices for her than her and I put in way more effort than her. Girls expect guys to be successful in our career but complain that we don’t put in time for our relationship. Now, she can just break up with me and all the years of effort becomes nothing instantly”, the man added.

At the end of his post, he asked netizens: “I just want to know exactly what guys can ask or expect from a girl to contribute in a relationship? What is their role in a relationship?”

Here’s what netizens who commented on the post said:

Most suggested that the man should try dating other women and see if he still felt the same way.