Following pro-pedophilia tweets and posts on his social media, one of Amos Yee’s former supporters and the activist who campaigned for Yee to secure asylum in the United States has now turned against him. Melissa Chen, a human rights activist originally from Singapore, shared a video on her Facebook page detailing how and why she would like Amos Yee to be deported from the US.
In a Facebook video she titled as her statement, Melissa Chen starts off by saying that she is making her video at an airport lounge, on-route to Singapore. She adds that almost two years ago, she met Yee when he was serving his sentence for religiously insensitive comments and gave him documents that would start the process for him to be able to seek political asylum in the United States.
Because of Yee’s blatant pro-pedophilia stance, Melissa said, “I am compelled to say Amos needs to be deported from the United States, and if he, in the process, gets sent back to jail in Singapore for going AWOL on National Service, I would find it extremely difficult to actually sympathise with that.”
Since her meeting with Yee in February 2017, she added that Yee had cut off all ties with her because he found she was being too authoritarian in her advice to him.
Even though Chen is a free-speech advocate, she added, “Some repulsive ideas generate too much negative externalities, and especially when these externalities involve the welfare of children, I think society cannot allow them to have free reign.”
Her thoughts on Amos Yee were, “he has betrayed basic human decency, he has betrayed innocent children everywhere, he has also betrayed the moral fabric of society”.
Ironically, the very woman who helped Yee seek asylum in the States, said in her video, “In fact I volunteer personally to escort him on his one-way ticket back, whether he likes it or not”.
She reiterated her call to get Yee out of America, stating “being in America is a privilege, not a right”.
Despite that, Chen also added that Yee was no longer a child and had to be held accountable for his actions as an adult.
Her concluding remarks were that, “Amos is a stain on Singapore, and a stain on the human race.”
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