SINGAPORE — A man took to social media to complain about how his father only cares about money.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions Facebook page SGWhispers, the man added that he did not understand why his father only cared about money. In his post, he wrote that he and his brother gave their parents a monthly allowance and would also take care of all bills and insurance payments.

“We initially wanted to give both parents $450 each but my father says he has savings and CPF, this that so he will just take $200 instead and my mum should get $450. Ok, fine. but we still gave him $300 and mum $450”, the man wrote. He added that his mother would not even check to see if she had gotten her allowance money, but his father would keep receipts and tally the money every month. The man added that as of late, when his mother booked two holiday tours with her friends, his father started “complaining and hinting us that maybe the money division should be swapped. He kept saying he can handle money better”.

“my father is kind of a miser who doesn’t want to spend on things/holidays (unless it’s a family trip) but we honestly don’t like to go on tour with him. he doesn’t know or want to enjoy himself but punch on his calculator all the time. When we go with him, we always need to convince him why we wanted to try a famous restaurant or buy a certain souvenir. He is also always about “worth the (ticket) money” so he rather pack a day full (from 7am-9pm kind) even if he himself is really tired”, the man wrote. He added that he and his brother even suggested to his father that they could split the allowance money equally between their parents. However, he wrote that his father seemed more interested in preventing his mother from getting and spending her allowance money.

“My mum have been a housewife almost all her life since she is 20. She had my brother when she is 22 and doesn’t get to enjoy her youth. And my father is such a miser, she doesn’t get to spend without his consent”, the man wrote. He even urged his father to pick up new hobbies or join classes or interest groups.

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“Recently my parents starts to quarrel over money a lot more. father will use “no earning power” to “guilt trip” mum and it hurts her because she feels like he is not appreciative of all the efforts and contributions she did for the family. But my father likes to use money as a judge and will comment about his friends children earning more than us, driving bigger cars etc. But what’s the point? It’s not like we’re going to sleep on the streets or go hungry. Can’t he just learn to enjoy the remaining of his life or at least let others enjoy theirs?” the man wrote.

Netizens who commented on the post agreed with the man but could also understand where his father was coming from.

Here’s what they said:

Last year, another man took to social media ranting about how his father was difficult to please and complained every step of the way as his family tried to go on a trip together.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, the man wrote that his family planned to go on a 9-day trip to Genting. He wrote that his mother would be heading there first, and two days later, he, his father and his sister would join her.

The man wrote that they needed to pack separately but his father refused to pack his own luggage. “Basically ‘Hiam’/question this that but does nothing” the writer wrote. When the man’s mother asked his father if the car boot had enough space for two large pieces of luggage, the father said that he did not know, so the children had to carry the bags down to see if everything fits.

When the man asked his father what clothes to pack for him, the father replied, “anything”. However, after inspecting the clothes his children had packed for him, he would complain and ask why they did not pack the shirts he liked.

Man rants that his father complains about everything throughout family trip, refused to pack his own clothes and says everything booked too expensive