A netizen appeared to be convinced that height is very important in a relationship, if not THE most important factor that women look out for.

The poster opened his piece by writing, “If height doesnt (sic) matter in a relationship, then it is all a lie.”

He wrote on the NUS Whispers Facebook page that he had carried out a “social experiment” using two accounts on a dating app to prove his point.

“All conditions were the same: Education level, SES, age, etc. The only differences are height and look (For handicap purpose). One was 171cm with a nice face, and the other 180cm with a moh peng face.”

The shorter man only got two matches, but the taller one “despite looking cui, had over 20 matches.”

He then conducted another trial and got the same results: “Tall ugly was the favoured one,” he wrote.

The poster then went on to say that most young couples have a significant height difference.

“Interestingly, the shorter girl will be with a guy who is around 180-190cm no matter if guy is good looking or ugly, even for short girls in the 150+ cm range.”

See also  Woman shares ad for 'upscale dating event' for 'pleasant & above average looking' people, guys must earn above $75K annually, 1.75m tall

This leaves shorter guys, whom he describes as being between 160 and 175 cm tall at a disadvantage. 

“You will see them alone most of the time, or jalan jalan with their parents.

What is ridiculous is taller males are favoured everywhere, even outside of dating. This is really detestable, really…,” he added.

Netizens were quick to disagree with him.

“Other qualities of guys still attract girls in real life,” one wrote.

“Shorter guys are equally attractive and capable,” wrote another.

One woman wrote, “Height really doesn’t matter.”

One man wrote, “I’m 167 and never had problems with girls.”

Some felt that his experiment was flawed.


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