SINGAPORE: A foreign domestic helper took to social media feeling sorry for herself and upset because her employer constantly would accuse her of stealing food.

In an anonymous post to Facebook group FDW in Singapore (working conditions forum), the maid asked: “Hi everyone, What would you feel if your employer told you that you stole and eat their food?”. From the incident that she shared in the group, she also seemed to imply that her employer had not asked her if she had stolen the food before making the accusation; her “ma’am” had simply accused her and told her that she stole it.

In the comments section, an administrator of the group asked if the helper had taken anything, and also what the food items in question were. To this, the helper replied that she had not eaten or taken anything and that she received an allowance to buy her own food.

The maid wrote: “I did not eat their food,(I’m food allowance)”.

”Simple story: some 5 pcs (small slice) left in the pan I put in the box (Tupperware)while waiting them to finish eating so that i can put together if they have leftover. She came in the kitchen and saw this small chicken and she said to me why have chicken in the box its that for yourself I said no,,,that’s yours . And she talk a lot that I hid ,I eat ,I stole their food….of course i answer NO I DID NOT! but she seem want me to answer YES,,she’s so mean”, the maid wrote.

She also added that she had been working in Singapore for 18 years but no other employer had accused her of stealing food. She was with her current employers for 6 months and the maid said that they were the only ones accusing her of stealing.

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The maid wrote that she felt sorry for herself and said that while initially thought she could adjust to the situation, her female employer’s behaviour seemed to worsen. She wrote that her employer was home every day and that she would keep checking the fridge to see if her helper had eaten or taken anything. This was the first time her employer accused her of stealing food, she said.

“my ma’am is stay in and everyday she check their fridge,,,I’m 6 months here w/them this is the first time shes accusing me that I eat /stole their food but big NO ,I know the rule. 18 years in Singapore with a good record, I’m pity for myself”, the maid wrote adding that she was clear that she should not take her employers’ food since they gave her an allowance to buy her own.“

When another helper asked the maid to try communicating the issue with her employer, the maid replied: “Maricel Banog, she said everyday that they foods here in Singapore is very expensive duh.

I know I feel since the beginning I start with them that she’s weird,but I keep trying to communicate too but when we start to discuss something she leave immediately, maybe she doesn’t want to hear my side duh”. /TISG