Lawyer M Ravi has been released from his two weeks observation in the Institute of Mental Health (IMH) and has been granted bail of $20,000 by the Court. Ravi’s bail conditions specify that he cannot put up any posts on Facebook, or any other social media platform. He also cannot abuse, cause annoyance, harass, insult or disturb anyone.

Ravi was charged in Court on 12 Aug and faces a total of seven charges. He charges include that of assaulting lawyer Jeannette Chong-Aruldoss, on the seventh floor of The Adelphi building in Coleman Street, at about 11am on 8 Aug.

A video of the assault was leaked soon after Ravi was remanded in IMH and it showed Jeannette trying to walk past Ravi as he was trying to get her to agree to his version of work dispute with his former employer. Ravi pushed Jeannette as she was trying to walk past him. The video showed that Jeannette had not pushed him prior to the attack as claimed by Ravi.

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