Dear Editor,

I refer to The Independent Singapore’s report, “Ban cars instead” — Call to ban bicycles on Singapore roads divides Singaporeans (June 17).

As all know, the main purpose of the invention of cars is to facilitate transportation or carriage of goods, people, and others from one place to another (from point A to point B) in a speedy, cosy, economical, efficient, convenient and safe manner.

This great invention closely matches the development needs and inevitable trends of the times.

Hence, the online arguments or standpoints that suggested banning cars instead of bicycles on Singapore roads were vulnerable, irrational, and unsubstantiated.

Nonetheless, there’s always an undeniable fact that all vehicles on the roads are driven/controlled by humans. Thus, it underlines the importance of road safety as the shared responsibility of every road user.

In due course, if any road accident occurs, drivers involved must be held responsible.

The swift advancement of science and technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI), has changed people’s thinking, mindsets, habits, behaviours, lifestyles, social interactions, and lives.

See also  Driver who ran over and killed drunk student on road given 4-year ban, S$7,000 fine

Even so, we can’t simply rule out that cars can be easily replaced by driverless vehicles or drones in the foreseeable future.

Anyway, appropriate legislation and rules of law should be the final measure of management on top of all these “new” innovations/inventions.

Teo Kueh Liang

Featured image: Depositphotos

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of The Independent Singapore

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