Singapore — Sharing a photo of the bow tie made by his wife, Lee Hsien Yang said that he was proud.

In his Facebook page, Mr Lee, the younger brother of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong shared the Instagram link of Mrs Lee’s post which shows photos of the bow ties she made for her son and husband.

Mrs Lee said: “Bow ties are fun and easy projects, and make delightful presents. Seasonal bow ties and festive bow ties can also be loads of fun”.

She said that one of her sons asked for bow ties because he attends a weekly formal dinner as part of his job.

“I made him a pre-tied one. He loved it and wore it but then said he generally uses only ‘proper’ bow ties viz he knows how to tie them himself!”

She made him bow ties and also one for a good friend. Mrs Lee then added: “The husband then did not want to be left out, but he needed pre-tied ones, so the last few are his”.


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Mrs Lee, a senior lawyer, has had plenty of time on her hands for sewing  since she was suspended from acting as a lawyer for 15 months by the Court of Three Judges over her handling of the last will of her late father-in-law Lee Kuan Yew. Among other pursuits, she turned  to dressmaking.

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Mrs Lee, the wife of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s brother, Lee Hsien Yang, was found guilty of misconduct on Nov 20.

In a Facebook post on Mar 30, her husband had included photos of dresses his wife had made.

He wrote: “My wife has made use of her enforced suspension from legal practice to learn dressmaking.” He added: “She has since applied some of her newly-learnt skills and these pictures show the fruits of her labour.”

Mrs Lee is also well known for her handmade quilts. She  donated one of her intricate quilts – ‘Dignity Blooms’ – to Project Dignity, an all-in-one platform set up in 2010 to engage in positive impact. In a Facebook post on Oct 26 last year, Mr Lee shared Dignity Kitchen’s Facebook posts.  Mrs Geraldine Lim bought Mrs Lee’s quilt for S$33,000.