Today online published an interview with the co-founder of, Mdm Soon Lee Yong, after she collected her son’s Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE) results yesterday (25 Nov). Mdm Soon said that her son received 229 points for his PSLE results, a point lower than what she had expected, and that she was disappointed with his results.
Mdm Soon had agreed to buy her son a Nintendo DS toy if he scored 250 points for his exams. When her son walked sheepishly down the stairs to her with his results and asked her if she was angry, Mdm Soon replied, “(You) can forget about getting your Nintendo DS.”
Today Online also published the article in its Facebook page. Its readers who responded to the article had harsh words for Mdm Soon.
Today’s post in their Facebook has gone viral with over 2,000 shares since their publication 2 hours ago.