You may be familiar with the name Kaley Cuoco. At the start of the week, The Big Bang Theory actress posted a clip of her “newest obsession during COVID/quarantine” aka “20 mins, a jump rope, and good music.” Although it was a good, wholesome video, netizens condemned her for wearing a mask during her workout.

“Take off the mask.”

“Don’t see why you couldn’t do that in your own backyard with no mask on. No way would I train in a mask that’s extremely dangerous never mind setting a very bad example for young girls and boys everywhere. You wouldn’t go jogging with a bag round your mouth with holes in would you?? Same thing.”

“Masks while exercising is ridiculous. All you are doing is breathing in your carbon dioxide. People need to educate themselves and not just go along with mainstream media.”

Kaley had to respond and defend herself as the comments got out of hand. She said, “For everyone and their mask comments, I wear a mask when I’m in an enclosed space around others, which I was.” She added, “I also wear a mask when I’m outside around others. I’m protecting myself and everyone around me. That’s why I choose to wear a mask. Thanks for playing.”

The World Health Organisation does not recommend wearing a mask while working out but the CDC does if you are in a gym or near others. According to WHO, “the prolonged use of medical masks…does not lead to CO2 intoxication nor oxygen deficiency,” as claimed by some netizens in Kaley’s comments. Some of Kaley’s fans came to her defence.

See also  PM Lee on Living with Covid-19: Respect the virus but not be paralysed with fear

“Wearing a mask is not dangerous if you listen to your body. Kaley will likely feel a lot fitter after exercising this once she can train without wearing a mask. It’s like athletes doing altitude training. She is being a responsible citizen, it’s a shame more people can’t be!!”

“If you live in a part of the world where it gets cold, people have been exercising with masks on for decades. And we have all lived to talk about it. Let the woman exercise as she sees fit. Clearly it’s not restricting her oxygen or she would have to stop.”

Kaley’s fans thanked her for protecting others and called her a role model.

“Thank you for wearing a mask and protecting others as well as yourself. A great example and role model.”

One netizen commented praising her for being incredible and gave her workout the props it deserved.

“I can’t believe ppl are commenting on you wearing a mask?!? I was So focused on how incredible you look and what an inspiration you are. Keep being great girl! Haters gon hate straighten ya crown and keep being fabulous.”