Vacation time can be translated into watching their children at home or leaving them with relatives. Instead of taking time off, working mothers and fathers will likely have their hands full due to the fact that kindergarten and nursery schools will be closed during the Golden Week holiday in Japan.
The recent celebration will take into account the Imperial succession. This year, the furlough has been extended to ten days. With most of the learning centers for children closed, it is unlikely that moms and dads will actually have enough time to do some stretching. A number of industries including tourism, medical and nursing care services will be working through the holidays.
Considering that it will be a busy period, smaller firms will continue to be open in order to sustain their operational demands. Some municipalities, on the other hand, have been rushing to prepare extra supplies for the event.
Last December, Japan’s bicameral legislature, The National Diet, issued a bill declaring May 1 a national holiday. Crown Prince Naruhito will be vacating the throne on this day. The inclusion of April 30 and May 2 is mandated by law which states that weekdays in between national holidays also become one. For 2019, April 29 and May 3 to 6 have already been marked as national holidays.
As Japan’s Golden Week proceeds, criticism is mounting. Aside from being kept busy during the long layoff, many are troubled by the fact that their kids cannot be left with their grandparents or relatives since they continue to work or their locations are just too far away.
To address such grievances, local governments will be taking care of the children if parents aren’t able to do so during this period. This action has come on the heels of another predicament as child care centers close on Sundays and holidays.
Amid all the complaints, a cabinet official has pointed out the difficulty of laying out a unified procedure to address all the issues.