A 3-day hospitalisation charge plus Accident & Emergency fees at Singapore General Hospital’s class C ward, set back Yap Yew Hing by a few hundred dollars.
The total bill was $1950.36 but with government grants and subsidies, his bill was reduced to $610. He paid for charges using his CPF monies in Medisave Yap could not use Incomeshield (a private medical insurance scheme), because the claimable amount was too little.
Yap said that he was unhappy with the hospitalisation bill for 2 reasons:
- He feels that the inclusion of the accident & emergency charges in the final bill was double charging. “I was admitted via A&E to ward, (and so that should be considered as) pre-assessment of my condition and should be considered as part of the wholesome process,” he said.
- Despite specifically requesting that he does not want rehabilitative services, the hospital sent a therapist to assist him while he was in hospital, and charged him for it.
Yap further said, “I stayed only 3 days, how about those whose condition required them to stay much longer?”
3 days stay plus A&E charges at SGH Class C ward costs me $610+ after government grant!! Was close to $2k without grant….
Posted by Yew Hing Yappy Yap on Wednesday, 17 February 2016