SINGAPORE: A frustrated fresh graduate took to Reddit saying he’s been looking for work in AI or machine learning since February but has still found nothing.

u/Melerelepele asked other fresh graduates on r/askSingapore on May 31 (Wednesday) how the job hunting experience has been for them.

He added that he had sought help from career coaches, customized his résumé for each position, written a cover letter for the job he wanted and practised his interview skills using the star method.

“I mainly aim for jobs which deals with AI/machine learning and my internship and projects were mostly on those topics. I explained what I did for internship/school during my interviews but it seems like it is for naught as I still get rejected all the same by government or private sector,” the post author wrote, adding that he has also submitted job applications even for posts outside his interests.

He added that he’s trying to be patient and is adding to his skills by taking Udemy courses “mainly to keep myself distracted from all the rejection and waiting.”

“It is so tiring preparing for an interview and subsequently getting ghosted or rejected without any feedback given to me regarding my interview. All I want is get a job which allows me to deal with machine learning application but holy f**k the industry is so hard to break into as a fresh graduate. Now, I can see why people are becoming FA/Property agent.

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Sorry for the rant but I had to get this out after being rejected by yet another position which I felt I was confident in 😥.”

In a comment to his post, he provided more specifics about his CV.

“Tech industry job market is bad… Really bad now. … If u look at other reddit sub on Datascience, CS-career or dataengineering, it’s really bad world-wide.” one Reddit user told him.

“I would recommend starting in other positions and side-grade yourself into AI at a later time,” advised another.

A fellow fresh graduate wrote that he’s in the same situation. “I started as early as Oct last year, blindly sent in around 30+ applications and only got an offer in march of this year, but i turned it down bc i felt that taking it might slow down my progression.”


Fresh grad shares her experience being unemployed after getting laid off from tech job