Singapore – Ho Ching used social media to remind Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to turn off the tap during the #SafeHands Challenge.
On March 13, the World Health Organization, with its Director-General, Dr Ghebreyesus, introduced the #SafeHands Challenge, riding on the trending initiative that utilises the power of social media in spurring worldwide compliance.
“There are several practical measures you can take to protect yourself from the new coronavirus,” said Dr Ghebreyesus. “One of the most important is regular, safe and effective hand hygiene using soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub.”
Dr Ghebreyesus then illustrated the 11 steps to practising good hand hygiene. The WHO is urging the world to take up the #SafeHands Challenge to be ready for Covid-19.
Although practising proper hand hygiene is of utmost importance to fight the spread of the virus, the online community was quick to notice that Dr Ghebreyesus failed to turn off the tap while doing the challenge.
Facebook power user and CEO of Temasek Holdings, Mdm Ho, also shared the video and wrote, “Hello Tedros, how about turning off the tap when you lather your hands pls? Water is precious and should not be wasted.”

The video received much flak from netizens, criticising the amount of water wasted. “There are so many people in this world without water,” said John Tan. “As WHO officer, you are wasting precious water paid by WHO.”

Many admitted that were distracted by the water going down the drain and couldn’t focus on the message. Others advised to turn off the tap while lathering.

Osama Waheed commended the efforts of the WHO in explaining the process, but “water isn’t free, and if it keeps on running when it’s not in use, you’re just wasting the natural resource.”

Even the popular Ozzy Man Reviews persona left a comment, contemplating if he should do a voiceover of the video. The platform is known for his hilariously critical commentaries on social media content.

Watch the video below: