SINGAPORE: After a gob of spit narrowly missed hitting her three-week-old baby, a woman took to social media to express her outrage.

Ms Mulyy Yana, a resident of Ang Mo Kio Avenue 1, wrote on the COMPLAINT SINGAPORE Facebook page on Thursday morning (Sept 14) that while she lives in a rental flat herself, people who spit out of the windows from upper-floor units make rental flat tenants look bad.

“Spit your d**n saliva down the block elsewhere lah! Don’t even bother to see if there’s people walking down ah??” the upset mother wrote, posting photos of the incident, one of which showed spittle on the hood of her child’s pram.

“It’s already bad enough that it hit the top of the stroller. (Thankful it didn’t hit on my kid or me. But what if i didn’t close the stroller cover? It would have hit my newborn baby!” she added.

The mum wrote that she parked her children under the block for a little while to survey the scene. She also saw beer cans that had been thrown out as well.

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Unfortunately, she couldn’t pinpoint where the cans had been thrown, as she could not see any people from where she stood. If she had seen anyone, she would have confronted them, she added.

When The Independent Singapore reached out to Ms Mulyy, she told us, “Honestly, I think people like these are uncivilized.” She added that she wasn’t sure whom to complain to, especially since she had not seen where the spitter had come from.

“I wish the authority (would) put those cameras that catch killer litters on my block,” she added.

Spitting in public in Singapore is prohibited. First-time offenders may be fined as much as S$1,000, and an individual may pay as much as S$5,000 for successive offences.

We have reached out to Ang Mo Kio Town Council for comment as well.


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