SINGAPORE: A Singaporean woman was utterly stunned when the guy she met on a dating app took things to a whole new level by proposing to her after just one date. The 25-year-old woman shared her story on Sunday on r/sgdatingscene, an online Reddit forum (Sept 1).

In her post, she explained that she met the 28-year-old guy through an online dating app called Hinge. She referred to him as ‘R’, and they had been talking only for a few weeks before they decided to go on their first date.

R had asked for her postal code so he could pick her up, but the woman was cautious and provided the postal code of a nearby block where the pick-up point was more convenient.

“I wore a black dress and accessorized with rings and earrings for our first date. He arrived, and we went out for dinner and dessert to cap off the evening,” she wrote.

“During the date, R initiated some gestures like holding my waist and comparing hand sizes when he noticed a personalized ring I was wearing, which I had made in Bali with my best friend. He asked to see it, and I didn’t think much of it at the time.”

Later that night, after dropping her off, R called her and asked how she felt about the date and their ‘potential future together,’ which caught her off guard.

Feeling that things were moving too quickly, she avoided answering the question about the ‘future’ and let him continue talking instead.

“He went on to say things like, ‘I really see a future with you, and I want this to work. You’re the woman for me, and I’m confident I can give you the life you want. Let’s grow old together.’ I acknowledged his feelings but didn’t reciprocate,” she said.

Things got even more intense when R began making moves that seemed way too forward after just one date. He even offered to pick up her parents from the airport and meet them, which made her uneasy. “My heart dropped – not in a good way. I kindly rejected,” she said.

Before things could escalate further, she decided it was best to tell R that they should take things slowly.

“I shared my feelings with R, and he became visibly disappointed and angry. When I asked why he was reacting this way, he kept pressuring me for answers, questioning why I didn’t see the future he envisioned for us,” she said.

R also started showing up outside her block for three nights in a row, leaving her with 15 to 20 missed calls each night. On the final night of his unannounced visits, she reluctantly agreed to meet him the next day, as he had insisted he just wanted to ‘talk things through.’

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What happened next completely shocked her. “I met him the next day, and this was when he pulled a ring out of his pocket and proposed,” she recounted.

“As most of you might think, I too believed that the ring was a standard ring he bought for his past dates to see which bites and say yes HAHAHAH until I realised it was fitted to my size (as what he claimed????).

As dumbfounded as I was, my first instinct was, ‘Please tell me you’re joking.’ He then started a proposal monologue about how he could only see a future with me and no one else,” she wrote.

Despite R’s apparent sincerity and the depth of his feelings, she gently closed the ring box and turned down his proposal.

“He calmed down, and we parted ways. We lost contact there and then, but this fosure unlocked a core memory for me. Lesson learned: Don’t give out your exact postal code on first dates, and stay safe!” she exclaimed at the end of her post.

“The amount of missed calls and stalking is insane.”

In the comments section, Singaporean Redditors were similarly shocked at the guy’s impulsive behaviour and commended the woman for gracefully handling the situation.

One Redditor said, “How can he be so sure after one date? That is absolutely crazy and illogical on his part. He is willing to marry someone without really knowing them.”

Another commented, “Date at your own pace. There is no right or wrong. It’s a matter of suitable or not. You can tell him not to continue doing that; otherwise, you can file a police report. Consider that a type of unwanted harassment.

No one deserves to be treated that way; we should not force anyone to date… or even answer calls.”

Others emphasised that R’s behaviour was a major red flag. One user quipped, “Red flag, he really woo like as if drive a manual car. Gear 5 straight.”

Another pointed out, “The amount of missed calls and stalking is insane. Despo ah……28 only.”

A third Redditor also reminded women not to give out their addresses or other personal information to guys they only met through a dating app. He said, “Don’t let your date anywhere near your home for the first few dates. You’ll never know how crazy they are.”

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