A coffeeshop porridge seller’s scalded hand dramatically healed within two days of a diner praying over her. The diner appears to be a Christian pastor from his social media wall.
Facebook user Patrick Loh wrote online that he felt led to pray over the hawker at a coffeeshop in his neighbourhood after he noticed that she had wrapped one of her hands in a bandage. When Loh asked her what had happened, she revealed that she had badly scalded her hand:
“I was buying porridge from my neighbourhood coffee shop and I noticed that the Aunty selling porridge had some of her fingers wrapped up in bandage. I asked her what happened and she said she scalded her hand while brewing porridge.
“I asked her to show to show me how bad was the scald and she took off her bandage and showed me.”
The hawker’s hand was so badly scalded that she suffered second-degree burns and had developed swollen fluid-filled blisters on her fingers.
When Loh placed his hand over the woman’s fingers without making contact and prayed for her, the hawker apparently told Loh that she felt a cooling sensation on her hand and that it felt as though “stuff is being sucked out from my fingers”:
“I told her in mandarin, “Let’s try this”, put my hand above her fingers without touching her and released the presence of God over her hand.
“I asked her, “what do you feel?”
“She said, “I feel something cooling. Like a cold wind on my hand.”
“I continued to release God’s healing presence over her fingers and after a minute asked her how she felt again. This time, she said “I feel like there is stuff is being sucked out from my fingers.”
When Loh visited the hawker two days later, he noticed that her hand had healed considerably and that the blisters were no longer swollen with fluid. The hawker further reported that she does not have any pain in her fingers like she used to:
“Two days later, I visited her stall to buy porridge again and she said the blisters subsided that evening after I prayed for her and there was no pain.
“She exclaimed, “I never knew you had such special power!” Then I shared with her how Jesus is the one with the special power.
“I don’t have special power, I just have a special God. And in His heart, I am special and so are you!”
Loh’s post has gone viral since he published it online on Friday, garnering a thousand shares and over 1,200 reactions on social media.
While many netizens who read Loh’s story praised the power of God, some were skeptical and sarcastically asked if Loh and his God could perform similar miracles for others:
Meanwhile, Loh returned to the same stall again today and asked the porridge seller how her hand was.
When the hawker revealed that the pain had returned to her fingers, Loh prayed over her again and the hawker reported that she again felt a cooling sensation and that the pain had disappeared:
“I visited the porridge seller aunty today again and asked her how her hand is. She said that the dead skin has peeled off, and her exposed raw skin on her fingers are now in pain.
“Again I put my hand above hers and released God’s healing presence. She said she felt the cold wind on her fingers while I prayed and her raw skin is no longer in pain after prayer.”
Loh took a video of the process and shared it on Facebook “as proof that this is not a fake story. This porridge seller aunty is real, healing is real and Jesus is real. Jesus is the real deal!”
Loh’s video has already garnered over 1,500 views since he posted it online an hour ago.
This is not the first time Loh has shared healing testimonies on his Facebook page. Just this past year alone, Loh shared that he and his Christian friends prayed over people who experienced blurry vision and knee pain, glaucoma, walking difficulties, and high blood pressure.
Loh updated that the the people he and his friends prayed over shared that they felt a marked improvement after the prayers.