Spoilers ahead alert!

Kit Harington who plays Jon Snow in HBO’s Game of Thrones recently shared some new details about his character in the final season of the hit show.

He revealed whether or not Jon Snow left Westeros and how he really felt about not being chosen to kill the Night King.

In an interview with THR, he discussed his final scene which is also the final scene of the show and was asked how he “read that final moment” of him “leading the Free Folk back into the true north.”

“I loved it,” Harington said.

“When I read it, that bit really made me cry. What really made me cry was on the paper: “End of Game of Thrones.”

“But as far as an ending for Jon Snow, this character that I loved for so many years and had grown so close to, and had meant so much to me … seeing him go beyond the Wall back to something true, something honest, something pure with these people he was always told he belongs with — the Free Folk — it felt to me like he was finally free. Instead of being chained and sent to the Wall, it felt like he was set free.”

It was a really sweet ending. As much as he had done a horrible thing [in killing Daenerys], as much as he had felt that pain, the actual ending for him was finally being released.

Harington also spoke about his reaction when he found out that Arya (Maisie Williams) would be the one who finally kills the Night King (Vladimir Furdik).

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“I was a bit pissed off, only because I wanted to kill the Night King! I think I felt like everyone else did, in that it had been set up for a long time, and then I didn’t get to do it,” Harington confessed.

“But I was so happy for Maisie and Arya. I was secretly like, “I wanted to do that!” Especially because I love fighting with Vlad, who also played the White Walker I fought at Hardhome.

“I’ve never seen a better swordsman. But it was a really great twist, and it tied up Maisie’s journey in a really beautiful way. Over the seasons, we’ve seen her build up these skills to become this hardened assassin, and she uses it all to kill our main antagonist.”

On the topic of the Night King, Harington shot down any rumours regarding the fan theory that said Jon Snow was the one who shouted to Arya and encouraged her to kill the Night King.

“What, the big man goes and tells the little girl to go and [do it]? No thanks,” Harington said. “That’s crap. She did it all on her own. It had nothing to do with Jon.”

He further discusses such items as how his last scene with Daenerys took three weeks to film a “page and a half” of dialogue, the importance and exploration of family, and how painful it was to shoot scenes atop the dragons.